“So, What Makes Doug Dawson and Brenda Dawson the Boat Experts Anyways?”

Check out Doug and Brenda Dawson enjoying life on the shores of Georgian Bay, Ontario:
- Authors of 27 Boating Books including 17 on Boat Docking
- Grew up—literally—on my family’s marina. 5th Generation in the boating business.
- Past President of the Ontario Marina Operators Association (OMOA) – on the Board of Directors for 23 years.
- Inspected boat manufacturing plants all across North America…and even as far away as Norway.
- Together, They Authored the Boat Value Book used by banks and insurance companies for over 15 years!
- Together they started the first ever multiple listing service for boats.
- Internationally respected boat reviewer for a national magazine with over 300 boat tests published!
- Over 40 years of selling and driving both power and sail boats.
- 40 consecutive years working the Toronto International Boat Show together (and a many, many others)
Someone who has handled boats on everything from tiny lakes to the Atlantic Ocean (that was at the age of 21!).
Read more about us in our Boating History. Doug has been a boat docking expert since he was a kid who has developed simplified boat docking techniques.