When you execute a flawless performance launching your boat, you turn to bow to the crowd watching, only to find there is no one there; but the slightest screw up will almost certainly bring out one or more smart phones capturing it all on video then sharing it around the world in a matter of seconds. You will never live it down.
You can avoid all this embarrassment by perfecting your launching skills with one good lesson—just like you do to drive a car, golf, play tennis, dock your boat, play a musical instrument, etc. Be prepared before you get to the launch ramp, so you can launch your boat flawlessly.
Investing a little time in learning the procedures and tips to avoid screwing up is well worth it. “Ramping Your Boat” e-lesson covers what you need to know to get your boat in and out of the water, without embarrassment, wet feet, yelling or being laughed at. Nobody videos a flawless performance!