Over time, most boaters learn the tricks of getting on and off a boat or dock, in and out of a dinghy. Most often it’s by trial and error with willing helpers offering a helping hand.
When stepping up from the cockpit of a small boat to a floating dock or up from a dock to a cruiser, people are quick to grab your hand, thinking this is the right thing to do. In many cases, there isn’t enough grip and the hands slide apart as we have all seen on TV and in movies, resulting in a fall with serious consequences.
Holding hands is like giving your fellow boater the “slip” or a “golden hand shake”.
There is one simple tip that Scouter Cliff taught me many decades ago when I was a Boy Scout, that I’d like to share to help boaters avoid “the slip”.
To ensure you have a good grip when offering your hand, hold “wrist to wrist”. This grip is one of greater strength with little chance of losing your grip. Holding “hand to hand” is like grabbing the bottom end of a funnel; whereas, “wrist to wrist” is like gripping a big rope with a large knot below your hand. Also, this rope grabs you back with the same advantage.
A handshake says Hello
wrist-to-wrist grip offers help.
So, when pulling someone from the water, from a dinghy, onto a platform or up onto a dock, don’t offer a “hello” handshake, offer a “wrist-to-wrist” helpful grip.
Take time to talk to your family and friends about this simple “wrist to wrist” hold. It could prevent some nasty falls and injuries.
Give them the “grip”, not the “slip”.
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