Canvas Repair—Don’t Wait!

march-calendar-repair-canvasTime is running out for winter work. Don’t wait any longer.

The first day of spring has come and gone and we are well on our way to summer. It isn’t suitable boating weather yet, but there is still time to get some winter work finished.

Don’t leave it until the last minute or you’ll be in line waiting at the service shop with your family in tears while all your friends are boating.

Put it on your calendar and schedule it now so you are ready for launch.

Our canvas/upholstery guy told us that the best time to do canvas work

is in the winter or early spring when he isn’t as busy. It is better for him because he gets some off-season work and it lightens his spring rush.

Don’t Lose Precious Boating Time

sad-crying-boyFor us, we’d have the boat ready before spring launch. We wouldn’t have to miss any boating days waiting in line for him to finish our upholstery and could avoid the tears of disappointed, sad grandchildren who wanted to be on the water.

I remember all too well, having to schedule all the last minute orders for work from boaters at our family marina. They didn’t think ahead, and as a result, many of them lost precious boating time waiting for their projects to be finished. Most could have been done during the winter or spring–off season.

If you are planning to replace your convertible top, camper and side curtains, please check our newsletter from last spring that offers dozens of suggestions of features for you to consider and discuss with your canvas guy before he starts cutting and sewing.

Check the article Replacing Your Canvas. Also check the Canvas Puzzle for some great canvas tips.

Do it Now

Make good use of the little time left this spring, if you haven’t already done it, to get your canvas projects underway while it is too cold to work on the boat itself. But, in the warmth of a shop, these projects can be done or sub assembled and be finished well ahead of the spring rush.

Everybody wins

sad-facehappy_faceYou get it before launch. The contractor/marina earns some off season revenue and it lessons the spring rush for everybody. Most importantly, your boat will be ready when the season starts.

Turn your family tears into smiles!


See also:

Solve the Canvas Puzzle

Replacing Canvas

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