Frazzled Docking?

Frazzled Fritz

Fritz (alias) has always been even tempered with family and work associates; but, when under the pressure of returning his boat to the dock, Fritz gets frazzled and super uptight. All he sees in his mind are hundreds of eyes judging his every turn of the wheel and shift of the gear/throttle lever. Everyone waiting for his eventual screw-up and anticipated crash. Then, comes the out-loud laughter and endless needling.

The reality is, there are many boaters who feel the way Fritz does when returning to the dock. Another reality is that it is easy to overcome these feelings of fear and anxiety as we explained in a previous newsletter “Anxious about Docking?”

Freeze Out and Evaporate

Fritz could not only freeze out all his frazzled feelings and uptightness, but also avoid screwups and ridicule by investing in Doug’s proven docking lessons. Confidence can replace his thoughts of dread when approaching his dock. Thoughts of screw-us, embarrassment and disaster will evaporate as he confidently docks like a pro.

In fact, Fritz did eliminate all his negativity about docking, once he discovered our website. He read the “Anxious About Docking” newsletter and wanted to eliminate his fear of docking. So, he bought the docking lesson, studied it and watched the video a few times. Then, believe it or not, he went to his boat, alone, took a deep breath, then went out for a spin. When he returned, he was able to dock perfectly the first time. Fritz could hardly believe what just happened and was sorry that he hadn’t gone to try It when there were many people around so that he could change their narrative about his docking ability.

Now, when he comes back to his dock, the laughter is replaced with applause further building Fritz’s confidence.

Are you Frazzled Docking?

Why not join Fritz and all the confident boaters around the world who dock without the need for yelling, swearing, jumping, boat hooks, bionics, dock helpers, guesswork or embarrassment? Invest in a lesson today.

Help a friend. Forward this article to any frazzled boating buddies

See also:

Docking is the Best Part of Boating to read testimonials from a couple more boaters who sent in their stories.

2 thoughts on “Frazzled Docking?”

  1. I have your docking and first mates lessons and have reviewed them several times over the years.
    This year we are docking where we need to reverse into our slip, stern first.
    Do you have any additional suggestions for this technique?
    Thank You

    1. Darryl, Glad to hear you are still finding our lessons helpful. Yes, we have the “Docking Your Twin Inboard Advanced” lesson that covers backing into your slip in the same kind of detail as the intro covers bow first into your slip. It also has lots of step-by-step detail and pictures. For more information see  Click on the book cover for more information.

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