Hang In There

had-enough-snowThe Polar Vortex has had North America in its grip for far too long, reminding us of the winters in the 60’s and 70’s.

The humorous picture making its way around the internet, “If you have had enough cold and snow, PLEASE…Raise your hand!” about covers it.

Every waking minute…..

hang-in-thereseems to be spent developing strategies to deal with ice, snow, freezing rain, wind, wind chill, frigid temperatures, snow blowing and shovelling—not much room left for thoughts of summer boating.

But, hang in there. As soon as this unrelenting blast finally breaks, get out and visit your boat. Give it a pat and renew your friendship. See “Let it Snow

Spring is just around the corner. Actually spring starts on the 21st—just a couple of weeks away. Like every other year, temperatures will eventually rise, snow will melt, daylight will get longer, flowers will emerge and before you know it, we’ll all be at the dock and out on the water boating again.

Are you ready? What are your summer plans? What are you hanging in for?

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