Wow! Tomorrow is the last day of summer and haulout is on the horizon.
For some, it has already happened; but, for others (us included) boating continues well into the fall taking advantage of every good day.
Accommodating the shorter, cooler days requires a change in boating routine.
The following fall boating tips will help you squeeze some more enjoyable boating into your fall:
- Take a Camera to capture the fall colours along the shoreline and the magnificent early sunsets.
- Have extra clothes on board so you can add and subtract layers as the temperature changes.
- Plan your day around the sun. Start your day at sunrise and go to bed early with the sunset, to boat when the weather is warmest.
- Prepare hot drinks instead of cold. Your body will welcome a hot coffee, tea or hot cholate rather than a cold drink when the fall breezes whistle through your canvas.
- Replace summer salads with hot soup or stew. These can be prepared at home and just heated on board or taken in a thermos.
- Change your footwear from flip-flops to socks and running shoes/boating shoes. Warm feet equals a warm body.
- Wear a hat or toque to stop your body heat from escaping.
- For warmth, you will want to use your canvas more often when travelling on the water in the fall, so be sure your CO detector is in good working order.
- A small electric heater will bring up the cabin temperature in a hurry, allowing you to be more comfortable overnight aboard.
For newer boaters with fall haul out approaching, if you’ve never ramped your boat and loaded it on your trailer, you may want to invest in our Ramping e-Lesson.
For boaters who are hauling early, check out our WinterEYES article and Pre-Haul Out Preparation article.
More time on the water
Why not get a little extra boating in before the weatherman forces you give in and have your boat hauled and stored for winter?