Oft Forgotten Anchor-Locker

Anchor Locker

September to November is haul out time for boats in the northern climate, and that time is here again. Here are a few winterizing tips that apply to both power and sail, that boat owners should perform, as opposed to the winterizing items that would be looked after by the marina. One important one is often forgotten–your anchor-locker.

A part of the boat that many people overlook is the damp, nylon line that’s been stuffed umpteen times into the anchor-locker, topped off with a layer of mud. As a result, your 200’ to 300’ of anchor rode is wet, dirty and ripe for mildew and mold, as is the whole anchor locker area.

How to extend the life of your anchor rode

Depending on your location and water source, pull out the whole slimy mess onto the dock, pavement or foredeck, then hose it to rinse out the mud and dirt. Also, hose out the anchor locker chasing all the mud and debris out the scupper.

Make sure the drain is at the lowest point; otherwise, you will have to soak up the excess water with a sponge. If the hose pressure won’t clean either the line or the locker, you can get more serious with an all purpose cleaner or a pressure washer.

Is it turning green or brown?

Is your anchor rode turning green or brown?

If so, spread it out on a hard surface like pavement or cement and pressure wash to blast out the slime. This can be done at the same time as you pressure the bottom.

Pressure washing rope is easiest with two helpers to hold the rope taut so the pressure washer doesn’t chase it all over the parking lot.

Dry Anchor-Locker and Anchor Line Thoroughly

Once you’ve got it all clean, leave the rope out until it’s dry–preferably in the sun. If your boat is going to be stored inside, tarped or shrink wrapped, spread the line out on your foredeck in big loops. Leave it there for a few weeks or the whole winter to thoroughly dry

Also, open the anchor locker hatch. Prop open or secure with a bungie cord if necessary, so it also dries thoroughly. This will insure that your anchor rode lasts longer and will greet you next spring clean, dry and ready for the season.

While you’re messing with the anchor rode, check the clevis or knot that secures the line to the boat as well as the clevis that secures the line to the anchor itself. Replace or repair–whatever is necessary. You don’t want to toss your nice clean anchor over at your favorite anchorage next spring and have it separate from the boat.

Sometimes, a clogged drain is the cause of the swamp that is rotting your line. In some cases, the drain was installed higher than the bottom surface of the anchor-locker.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to winterizing, the bottom line to save your anchor-locker and anchor rode, is to clean and ventilate! Also check out the article Anchor Locker Swamped where Bob cleverly elevated his anchor line above the swamp in the bottom of the locker. see Anchor Locker Swamped article.

Note for Boat Buyers

For those who are buying a boat, don’t forget to check this often overlooked space where lines rot from neglect and aren’t there when you need them. Lift the anchor-locker hatch and take a look and a sniff. This will tell you whether it has been forgotten or not. This and hundreds of other valuable tips are covered in “Buy a Boat With Confidence“.

Note for Boat Owners

For those who already own a boat, this job is on the First Mate’s list to do or delegate. Hundreds more easy “how-to tips” are covered in “First Mate 101“.

Doug Dawson


See also: Anchor Locker Swamped

See also: Anchoring Your Boat for anchoring tips.

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