Top Ten Tools

empty tool boxNothing will go wrong”, is the hope of all boaters when they shove off the dock. None of us want to have to repair anything while underway.

But, we all know that as sure as it is going to rain on your holidays, things do break or come loose and need to be fixed.

So, all boaters need to carry a tool kit.

Too often the one tool we need, isn’t in the box for that unforeseen repair(s) that you may be faced with either underway or at the harbor.


Having the right tools on board in your toolbox is half the battle to executing the repair easily and not having it turn into a catastrophe.

In an attempt to have an all-inclusive list; so that boaters, like Boy Scouts, can “be prepared” to handle any challenge and not be caught short with a missing tool, we are asking you to submit the 10 most important tools in your toolbox based on your boating experience.

Then, we will publish the list on our website for all boaters to benefit and “be prepared” for when an unexpected, unforeseen problem arises.

Please send your Top Ten Tools list of the tools that you would never leave the dock without.
Email to

Thank you in advance for your conribution to the “Best Boating Tool Box“.



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