If you aren’t the one driving the boat, then you need to read this…
“How-To” Wisdom for Women in Boating, First Mate 101 Has The Confidence-Building Detail You Need To Stop Worrying And Start Boating.

Dear First Mate,
We’ve all seen them. Couples who have turned boating into an incredible dance, a sight to behold.
Even when docking, they seem to anticipate each others next step. They put on a wonderful performance, communicating with unspoken ease as they bring their boat expertly into the slip.
This is a couple with a First Mate and Captain who are in sync with each other. And, I’m happy to say, that’s been my experience boating with my husband Doug for more than 40 years now.
That isn’t to say that First Mate’s have to be bound by the First Mate duties, she can switch hats often and become the Captain while he tends the lines, anchor, etc. First Mate and Captain are positions with specific duties–not gendres.

As you’ll read further down, the inspiration to write this book came about because of an an eye-opening and shocking experience when I attended a FirstMate course. From that experience, I knew that there is a sea of “reluctant boaters” who are deeply wanting and needing to know how to be a FirstMate.
The Must-Have, “How-To” On Being A First Rate First Mate Is Now Yours–Guaranteed!
In Fact, You WILL Learn At Least One Thing That Is Way More Valuable Than The Price Of This Book In 30 Days, Or I’ll Refund Every Penny You Paid And Even Let You Keep The Bonus Just For Checking It Out— Guaranteed!”
“I’ve been boating for years and there are tips in here that I’m now using. I thought I knew how to wash dishes aboard, Brenda’s way is better!”
“Excellent overview, it puts into writing information that normally takes years of “experience” and/or lots of talks with more experienced boaters to learn.”
Taylor Beattie, CA
Hello Brenda, A belated thank you for re-sending these files and a big thank you for writing First Mate 101! I can’t wait for the lake to thaw and start boating! Best regards,
First Mate, SC
Written by a First Mate – For a First Mate

I’ve been in the boat business literally my whole adult life. When I married Doug, I married a man who is 5th generation in the boating business. Expectations were high that I would become an expert boater in my own right.
The Story Of A First Mate Course Gone Terribly Wrong
Earlier, I mentioned my shocking experience when I attended a FirstMate course. Here’s the rest of that story…
Wanting to learn some neat new tips and tricks and meet other FirstMates, I signed up for a First Mate seminar being hosted by a local Yachting Club.
What was intended to be a First Mate course quickly deteriorated into more of a marriage counseling session covering such topics as “how to make a contract with your husband that he’ll return to the dock if you feel uncomfortable.”
From that seminar, which was almost all women, I realized just how many women are afraid when underway and want to turn back or are brand new to boating and feel like the proverbial “fish out of water”.
When I got home, I was quite upset. I had gone to this seminar wanting to learn some neat tips & tricks; I didn’t need a marriage counseling session!
After reflecting on my experience in that room, I came to the realization that these women weren’t First Mates at all! They were guests! When asked to hang the fenders or pull the halyards, they didn’t know what to do and were barked instructions.
What was upsetting me was that I knew these women could easily become confident First Mates and be a full-fledged partner in boating.
In fact, with the right information, these women could become the on-board experts on how to enjoy boating—teaching their husbands a thing or two about boating!

You’ve probably heard the old joke: “men who get lost will keep driving around trying to find their way while women will stop and ask for directions”. Well, I don’t know if that’s totally true or not, but I do know that those who ask for directions get there faster!
No Marriage Counseling Here! Just The Information You Need To Get Your Sea Legs And Be A Confident First Mate.
“Thank you Thank you Thank you for the brochures!! You guys are great!!! I have looked high and low for these brochures and was truly pleased and excited when I stumbled upon your website. I also bought your First mate 101 for my wife and thank you in advance for the change in our boating life her new found knowledge will bring as a result of your course.”
Stephen and Carolla Lowe
This book is so much more than how to be a First Mate:
- Claim your place on board and be the kind of First Mate who knows how to “dance” with their Captain.
- Switch Hats often and take the Helm while he takes the position of First Mate.
- Maximize the limited space on your boat.
- Keep ice for 11 days in a cooler.
- Dozens of innovative tips on how to store everything from food, equipment, bedding, furniture to all the other comforts of home that you want to take boating.
- Work together with the Captain to dock your boat safely, confidently (and without yelling at each other!)
- Work the ropes— the anchor, bow line, stern line, spring lines, tow line and even rafting lines (and know what the heck all of those lines are!)
- Present yourself as that incredible couple to the others in the marina. (sure beats being exposed as a “newbie”)
Learn what the correct “boating etiquette” is when docked in the harbour.
manage and store canvas to keep it long-living and quick to put up and take down (great for when bugs come!) - How to deal with the unique challenges of preparing meals on board and turn meal time into a special time
- Deal with the bugs!
- Complete lesson on footwear (who would’ve thought!)
- And much, much more
“Brenda, your book “First Mate 101″ has been very helpful as we are getting ready to go on a ten day trip and will be trying your suggestion in October. Ron is doing great with his driving, your e-Lesson has helped a great deal. Our Oct. trip will be a new type of trip for us, and your teachings will help us greatly. Thank you again.”
—Judy, CA

Taking Time To Enjoy The Ride…
afterall, that’s what it’s all about!
FREE with each order:
Anchoring Your Boat Lesson ($19 value)
Communicating Aboard Lesson ($19 value)
For a fraction of what most people spend just driving to their boat, you will take your boat enjoyment to a whole new level.
No-Risk Money Back Guarantee!

There is absolutely no way that you can lose—except by not taking me up on this offer. If you don’t agree that this is the most impactful, eye-opening and practical information you’ve ever received on the subject of being a FirstMate, simply email me and I’ll issue you a 100% refund on the spot. No hard feelings and no questions asked. You’ve got 30 full days to use and profit from this unique information or else ask (and receive) an immediate refund. And if you decide to opt for a refund I still want you to keep the bonuses as my free gift just for giving this a shot.
I urge you to take action right now and read this material on First Mate 101: How To Stop Worrying And Start Boating.
Yes! I Want To Be A First Rate First Mate.
After your order, you will see a special download page for instant access where you can download the eBook (Also available in print).
Remember, you have our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Happy Boating!