If you’re in the market to buy a boat, then…
Get Specific Details That Save Money and Reputations…
“Revealed! How Using Just One Technique Saved A Couple Over $3,000 Buying Their Boat…”
How to Buy a Boat In A Step-By-Step Guide

From: Doug Dawson, 5th Generation in the Boating Business and Author of Buy a Boat with Confidence and Save Money
Dear Boater,
At the risk of you not reading to the bottom of this letter, I need to tell you that “Most boaters (new and experienced) don’t know how to buy a boat.” Afterall, being an expert boater and an expert boat-buyer are two entirely different things.

I’ve been in the boat business literally my whole life and have seen far too many boaters embarrass themselves buying the wrong boat or paying way too much for it. (Or both!)
This is why I’ve decided to turn the tables and share my lifetime of boat buying and boat selling know-how so that you are armed with the know-how to buy the very best boat you can for the very best price.
This book is so much more than how to just negotiate the best deal! I’ve been so complete and so candid, it’s like I’ll be boat shopping with you, guiding you every step of the way so that you know:
- How to benefit from the incredible hidden opportunities at a boat show and not come off as an amateur.
- How to watch out for the little known secrets salespeople use to demo a boat so that weaknesses don’t show. Learn how to demo it yourself!
- The truth about buying used boats and when buying used makes a lot of sense.
- How to make sure you’re not overpaying for electronics.
- The correct way to use your bank when buying a boat. The simple technique to know if your boat “FITS”.
- Know the difference between the 5 kinds of salespeople and why you need to pick the type that is right for you!
- How to research & get the truth about specific boat models.
- The absolute best time to start the process of buying your boat.
- Why almost everyone is wrong about what a salesperson is supposed to do.
- What never to believe from any private seller.
- How to make sure you’re not overpaying for insurance.
- Take advantage of dozens of money saving tips (hint: and they have nothing to do with the purchase price!)
- And much, much more…
Whether you’re looking to buy a power or sailboat, this book is your definitive Insider’s Guide!
The Jealously Guarded Secrets Of Buying A Boat Are Now Yours—Guaranteed!
“In Fact, You WILL Learn At Least One Thing That Is Way More Valuable Than The Price Of This Book In 30 Days, Or I’ll Refund Every Penny You Paid And Even Let You Keep 4 Valuable Bonuses Just For Checking It Out— Guaranteed!”
Hear The Experience Of Just A Few Who Have Saved So Much…
“I wish we had this book 35 years ago when I bought my first cruiser. I could have avoided several pitfalls in the process. A must read for every first time or subsequent boat buyer.”
—George & Sheilah van Nostrand
“With the help of your book, we have a tentative deal on the Egg Harbor. Our offer was accepted last week. The deal is contingent on a survey to be conducted next Wednesday and a sea trial some time when the weather breaks. We added financial approval as a condition as suggested in your book.
I appreciate your interest… and if this works out I’ll take you up on your offer of any historical information you may have on this boat. If it becomes ours, I’ll want to learn everything I can about it. I’m “reading up” now in preparation next week’s survey. You can bet I’ll be there for every minute of it.”
— Mark, OH
“In an industry where there are too many self proclaimed experts, Doug is truly the consummate professional. His incredible depth of industry knowledge… has been a wonderful resource for me. He is a man with great personal integrity and I am proud to consider him a … valued business associate.”
— George H.E. Ward, Ward Yachts, Toronto, ON
“Just to let you know that I am now the owner of a Mirage 25 and the purchase went very well. We still have to confirm with sea trials but the surveyor said the boat was in better than average condition and well cared for and with newer motor and sails there shouldn’t be any surprises. Thanks for all your advice.”
—Paul, ON
“I thank you once again, for a truly wonderful source of information for a 1st time buyer like myself and my wife. When I first talked to Doug about purchasing “Buy a Boat With Confidence, and the extra bonus package, I thought it was a bit steep. But, after reading only 30 or so pages, I realized that you have already saved me a lot more money than I ever could have imagined.
Ironically, I did all the items mentioned by you guys not to do, as running to closest marina etc, and I am so glad I purchased this gem of a book. I really don’t know how to thank you enough. It’s as though you knew what I have been doing for the last 3 weeks or so…..all the wrong aproaches.
Thanks again for a gold mine of knowledge on how to, and especially, what kind of boat to purchase.”
—Keith Swartman, Ottawa, ON
“Doug Dawson is a credit to the marine industry.”
—Chris Goulder, President, Volvo Penta
Walk The Boat Shows & Show Rooms With New Found Confidence
Now You Have Direct Access To One Of The World’s Leading Experts On How To Buy The Right Boat! Imagine having an expert at your side helping you to select the perfect kind of boat for your family and activities–and get it at the best price! (someone who can show you how to check out two seemingly identical boats and know which one is the money pit).
I’ll show you how to immediately let any boat salesperson know that you know the ropes and are someone to be taken seriously. Don’t be fooled!
You see, my book contains absolutely everything you need to become your own industry insider (I’m personally letting you in!)
Here are just a few of my credentials (I tell you this not to brag but so that you will have confidence in my advice):
- Over 40 years of selling and driving both power and sail boats.
- Authored the Boat Value Book used by banks and insurance companies for over 15 years!
- Started the world’s first ever multiple listing service for boats.
- Internationally respected boat reviewer and writer for Power Boating Canada Magazine, Canadian Yacthing (and others)
- Past President of the Ontario Marina Operator’s Association..
- Inspected boat manufacturing plants all across North America…and even as far away as Norway.
- Personally done over 12,000 boat evaluations.
- Someone who has handled boats on everything from tiny lakes to the Atlantic Ocean (that was at the age of 21!).
- Grew up–literally–on my family’s marina.
- When you ring my doorbell, it plays anchors away! I’ve lived my life being a boating enthusiast.
An Expert At Your Side To Help You Navigate The Opportunities And Traps At Each Step
“With my 50 years of boating experience, I thought that I knew everything about ‘buying a boat’ until I read this book. What an ‘eye opener’! Thanks Doug, for sharing your knowledge to make me an informed buyer and save me money for my retirement.”
— G. Wood
“Doug Dawson is one of a group in the sales and service factor of the Marine Industry who has forgotten more about boats than most people learn in a lifetime.”
Cameron Wardlaw, Owner, Skyline Marina, Toronto ON
“A $100,000 repair bill and 2 years of stress could have been avoided had I read Doug’s book. I now realize that all marine surveyors and boat brokers are NOT all equal and are NOT all competent. My advice: buy the book, do your homework, be an informed buyer.”
— Harold Rogers
“Thank you for the e-lesson on boat tying. I enjoyed Doug’s talk about tips on buying a boat at the seminar in Port Credit. I’m actually at the stage just now where I’m both buying a new sailboat and selling (trying to) my present sailboat. Getting Doug’s tips on buying, therefore, had a double value for me.”
—Bruce, ON
“I bought your books and used them, I learned a lot. I did all the steps as you said, even the trial sail. Everything went well, but it all took a long time. Had a professional Marine Surveyor –very good man. I thank you for your knowledge and advice.
—Jim, SC
People Have Paid $100’s For This Advice
Frankly, I thought long and hard about selling this invaluable information as part of a high-priced seminar or personal consultation where I charged at least $395 per person. And people would get many times that amount back in savings and enjoyment. But, I decided to put all my advice down in book format because I wanted as many boaters as possible to benefit from my knowledge.
And If That Wasn’t Enough…
Buy Today And Get These Extra Bonuses…Worth $100 FREE!
Needless to say, this information is jam packed with the jealously guarded secrets to buying a boat. Truth is, you’ll never find this in-depth information in any other book or manual. But even with that said, I want to make absolutely sure that you have everything you need to get the most out of your Boat purchase. If you buy today, you’ll also receive these 4 special bonuses—gifts which are in fact worth more than 3 times the price of the book!

Bonus #4: Take a Demo Like a Pro Far too many boat buyers don’t even take the boat for a test drive before purchasing. The ones that do, don’t know the tricks. Doug taps into his decades of doing boat tests for national magazines to teach you how to “Demo It Like A Pro”. This Special Report reveals the secret techniques that salespeople use to make a boat demo the most favorable to them. With this information you can get a revealing test drive of the boat!

Bonus #3: Inspect It Yourself To Save Money I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen experienced boaters miss important (and expensive!) details when checking out a boat. Their experience isn’t inspecting boats for a living–mine is. I’ve created a thorough step-by-step procedure to help you eliminate boats from your short list. One technique I’ll show you here has saved people thousands of dollars when it came time to negotiate price. Salespeople only tell you what’s right about a boat. With this special report, you can tell what’s wrong with it.

Bonus #2: Decode The Boat Buying Secrets Embedded in the HIN Protect yourself! By decoding the HIN of a boat (something most insiders can’t do, by the way) you can make sure you’re buying what you think you’re buying. As one example of how you’ll protect yourself, I’ll show you how to make sure you’re not buying a boat that’s older than you’ve been told–something I’ve seen happen many times.

Bonus #1: Hot To Know Which Boat Is Right For Your Kind of Boating Activity How many types of boats can you think of right now? Seriously! This report has over 70 types of boats. Okay, on this you’ll know more than most industry insiders!! I wrote this report because most people don’t have a clue how to match boat types to their boating activities. You can now cross reference the activities you’re planning with the different boat types. This is a key step in the boat buying process and gives you a “short list” to work with. Each boat type has a complete description of boat, its features and benefits, price ranges for new and used and much more. This is THE MOST COMPLETE LISTING IN THE WORLD.
No-Risk Money Back Guarantee!

There is absolutely no way that you can lose—except by not taking me up on this offer. If you don’t agree that this is the most impactful, eye-opening and practical information you’ve ever received on the subject of buying a boat, simply email me and I’ll issue you a 100% refund of the purchase price less S&H on the spot. No hard feelings and no questions asked. You’ve got 30 full days to use and profit from this unique information or else ask (and receive) an immediate refund. And if you decide to opt for a refund I still want you to keep the bonuses as my free gift just for giving this a shot.
Get Direct Access To One Of The World’s Leading Experts On How To Buy The Right Boat!
After you order, you will get an “order confirmed” email. The download link is in this email under “Summary of Order. Download the eBook along with your FREE Bonuses.
We recommend:
- You print on your own printer (2-sided is best), because it is less expensive than having it printed.
- Then put it in a 3-ring binder.
- OR, (better) take the printed pages to an office supply store and have them coil bind the pages for you (this includes a clear front cover, hard back cover and a coil down the side).
- The coil binding is best, because you can turn the pages over completely so they don’t blow in the wind, and the e-Book lay flat.
Order “How to Buy a Boat With Confidence” and 4 Bonuses:
To order by phone, call us at (519) 538-2887 (9 to 5 EST, Mon-Fri)
Remember, you have a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Happy Boating!

Doug Dawson
P.S. You can lose a lot of money buying the wrong or a bad boat, not to mention reputation. But you can’t lose when you accept this no-risk offer. If you’re disappointed with “Buy a Boat With Confidence” for any reason, just let us know and we’ll refund your purchase payment in FULL.
P.P.S. Not only do you stand to buy a better boat in less time and save money, you will also be a much more informed boater. This is information everyone in your family who boats with you can benefit from.