Tying and Using Knots


Dinghy, Fender, Backyard Swing, Bicycle, Sleeping Bag, Hanging Planter, Car Trunk Lid, Dead Head and Turkey Legs?

When we think of boating, we think of knots–knots to tie lines and fenders. We all admire those boaters who know which knots to tie and when to tie them, but there are still too many who haven’t taken the time to learn just a few simple knots.

Of the hundreds of knots you see in books and on the net, you can get by nicely with just six–that’s right, just six knots. Knowing these six basic knots, you’ll be able to tie fenders, lines, join lines, create rescue lines and much more.

Knots for Boaters

What do the following have in common?

bowline5webDinghy, Fender, Backyard Swing, Bicycle, Sleeping Bag, Hanging Planter, Car Trunk Lid, Dead Head and Turkey Legs?

When we think of boating, we think of knots–knots to tie lines and fenders. We all admire those boaters who know which knots to tie and when to tie them, but there are still too many who haven’t taken the time to learn just a few simple knots.

Of the hundreds of knots you see in books and on the net, you can get by nicely with just six–that’s right, just six knots. Knowing these six basic knots, you’ll be able to tie fenders, lines, join lines, create rescue lines and much more.

You Only Need to Learn Six Knots

SheetBendDrawingOnly learning six knots doesn’t take a big investment of time or money but the payback will be enormous.

But there is so much more to “knots”. Knots aren’t just for boaters. Knots are for everyone whether you are a Boater, Mother, Father, Student, Teacher, Fisherman, Hunter, Delivery Person or anyone else.

Knots will help you in your everyday life all year long.

The real bonus to using knots regularly, is that you become very good at it and it becomes automatic–you don’t have to stop and think about which knot and how to tie it, you just do it. When boating season comes around, you are ready! One last thing to cross off your list as done.

rail_7Doug Dawson grew up on the family marina where he learned all about ropes and knots, eye splices, preparing fender  and dock lines and much more. Doug was a Scout, a Queen Scout and a Sea Scout Master, Doug also learned all about ropes, to do eye splices, prepare fender and dock lines and much more. He taught his Sea Scouts the value of knots and knowing how to use them.

There are many knot books on the market, but they concentrate on how to tie and not so much on the hundreds of uses.This e-Lesson not only teaches you the “Six Knots Your Need to Know” but also gives you variations, conditions, pictures and samples of uses. Learning these knots can help you in your every day life, not just boating–maybe even save your life or help you save someone else.

  1. Bowline

  2. Round Turn and Two Half Hitches

  3. Figure Eight Cleat Hitch

  4. Clove Hitch

  5. Reef Knot

  6. Sheet Bend

All our photographs and videos are taken over Doug’s shoulder.

This vantage point shows YOU exactly what it will look like

when YOU tie the knot.

“Each require a knot to secure or move” is the answer to the question at the top of this page. All these and many, many more are explained in great detail in “Tying & Using Knots” Lesson.

Dear Brenda,

Thanks much for sending the book. I skimmed through it and it looks great. I especially like the poems you wrote to help one remember how to tie the knots and the over the head photography. I’ll check out the YouTube videos as well.

I’ve learned all these knots before and am familiar with them. But I really needed to have the key ones identified and their various uses spelled out. Your book does that very well.


Bill Trochim

66 pages with pictures, how-to, step-by-step instructions with hundreds of ways to use them in your everyday life–not just boating.

You just need to imagine...