Knowing where the dangers are and how to check for leaking AC electricity in the water could be a lifesaver. Spring is the time to do it, before you put boats and people in the water.
Sadly, each year there are numerous accidents in the waters around boats and docks where AC electrical power is in use.
Last year, at least six deaths and 15 near misses (where the potential victim escaped death) have been identified.
Boat US has several articles on this topic that every boater should be aware of. We encourage you to visit their site at
For boaters who are new to the dangers of ESD or are confused by it, there is an excellent article on BoatUS – Electric Shock Drowning Explained .
Other links for excellent articles:
– a list of links for ESD articles
The more we boaters can learn about the dangers of Electric Shock Drowning, the more we can take precautions and save lives.
Enjoy an informed, safe boating season.